To refund a patient's payment that was NOT processed through Cerb (e.g., a payment made in cash, by check, or via a separate (non-integrated) payment system) review refer to the Billing block or the Charges box within an encounter note (if the payment was added inside an encounter note).
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If you are refunding so that they can pay via a different method:
- Right click on the applicable Credit/ Payment and click Delete (if simply added in error) or Refund Options, then on Full Refund (to preserve the original payment line item).
- Click on the plus sign and then on Add Payment to add the new payment via a different method.
If you are refunding and giving the patient a credit that they can use to pay future charges:
- Right-click on the item charge (for example, for the item that they are returning), and select "Mark as Refunded/Voided".
- Repeat for additional items as needed.
If you are refunding and giving the patient the money back via cash, check, or otherwise:
- Open the expanded billing history for the patient.
- Right-click on the item charge (for example, for the item that they are returning), and select "Mark as Refunded/Voided". You will need to give a reason.
- If a payment has been applied to that charge, a warning will appear indicating that you will want to re-apply or refund that payment after voiding.
- If the item was dispensed from inventory, there will be a message indicating as much, and a button to restock the item to inventory if applicable. To restock, click that button, and then on the Restock All button.
- Right-click on the applicable Credit/ Payment and select Refund Options, then on Partial Refund or Full Refund, as applicable, depending upon whether you are refunding the payment in full or in part. You will need to give a reason.
- Separately give the patient their refund amount via cash, check, or otherwise.