Sometimes, people report receiving an appointment notification or reminder email that shows the incorrect appointment time, with an option to add that (incorrect) appointment to their calendar. Generally, this indicates that the default calendar associated with your email program is set to the wrong timezone. Most often, it is set to the "default" zero time zone, which may be called Greenwich Mean Time/ GMT or Universal Coordinated Time/ UTC.
To confirm if this is the case, you can look at the date and time shown in the body of your reminder/ notification email, which should look something like this:
You Have a New Demo Clinic Appointment! |
Hi John,
You have a new appointment scheduled with Demo Clinic: Appointment Time: April 14, 2020, 6:00 pm (MDT) Please give us 48 hours notice if you need to change or cancel your appointment by calling us at 555-555-5555.
Thank you!
The Demo Clinic Team |
If the appointment time shown in the body is correct, but the time is incorrect in a segment shown above or below the email, which allows you to add the appointment to your calendar, that indicates that the timezone in the default calendar is the issue. Update your default calendar timezone to resolve the problem.
If the appointment time shown in the body of the email is incorrect, that means that your appointment was misscheduled. Please contact your provider's office for assistance.
See also:
Other keywords: appointment, patient portal