You can define the body of your chart part in many ways to help save yourself time, especially when you find yourself repeating the same workflow multiple times a week. 

See below for a few helpful examples, or watch the recording of our Chart Parts Intensive live stream from April 2019 for further details and other useful tricks!

Related Resources:

  • For general help with Chart Parts, click here.
  • For a list of text variables available for Chart Parts, click here.

Multiple Choice Questions

If there is a question in your chart part that is multiple choice (i.e. you always answer "Yes" or "No" when filling out for a specific patient), there is an easy way to make those multiple choice answers more automated and you won't need to type them out each time.

To watch someone walk through this process step-by-step in real time, watch our live stream video starting at 29:20 by clicking here.

1 - Create each answer as it's own chart part

For a question that expects a "yes" or "no" response, go to Admin > Manage > Chart Parts and add these as chart parts:

The key details to note here are (A) these should have the same "Nickname(s)" field and (B) the "Text to be inserted" field is the answer response that you want to autopopulate (and the "Name" field is just what you will use to call the prompt)

2 - Add the prompt to your chart part wherever the question is being asked

Add the "Nickname(s)" value to your chart part wherever the yes/no response will go:

In this example, we're adding "_YesNo" to the end of a question that we usually manually type "Yes" or "No" for during a patient visit

3 - Go ahead and use your chart part!

Now you can call your chart part, in this example called "Progress", as you normally would:

and when you put your cursor next to the multiple choice prompt (in this example, "_YesNo") you should see the options being suggested:

** tip: if this multiple choice prompt is at the very end of your chart part, such as it is in the above screenshot example, then your cursor will already be next to the multiple choice prompt and the options should be suggested immediately

click on the response you want to use from the "Suggestions" box and it will replace the "_YesNo" text of the note with your selected answer!

Fillable Freetext Questions

If you have multiple questions in a chart part, you can create placeholders for fillable fields to more easily jump between each question and fill out those response  (i.e. by clicking the "tab" button rather than using your cursor to click to the next spot).

To watch someone walk through this process step-by-step in real time, watch our live stream video starting at 33:53 by clicking here.

1 - Insert the placeholders in your chart part

Add or edit your chart part under Admin > Manage > Chart Parts to include {???} in every spot that you will want to tab between:

In this case, there are three lines that are questions followed by a placeholder (which we will tab between in order to replace with the patient's responses)

2 - Go ahead and use your chart part!


Now you can call your chart part, in this example called "Progress", as you normally would:

and then immediately hit the TAB key on your keyboard. This should automatically jump to the first {???} placeholder and highlight it:

From here, type your response to this question and then hit the TAB key again. This should now jump you to the next {???} placeholder and highlight it:

and so on until all of your placeholders have been replaced with real responses. This process has enabled you to call a chart part and quickly tab through the placeholders without needing to take your hands off of your keyboard.