
The Sales Frequency by Charge report, and the Inventory Sales report are two different reports that you can use to understand the frequency that certain charges are used and/ or inventory sales frequency on a summary basis.

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The Sales Frequency by Charge report shows how many times charges have been applied to patients' charts within a date range. This applies to ALL charges (products and services) in your charge list, grouped by charge.

The Inventory Sales Report shows how many times inventory items in Cerbo were dispensed to patients within a date range.

Sales Frequency by Charge

This report shows all of the charges that were added to patients' charts during the date range that you specify. If the charge was added inside of encounter note AND the transaction date was manually edited to be different from the DOS, the transaction date is used for this report.

Each charge that was used in that date range is shown on a different line, with the number of times it was used shown to the right. You can use the drop down menu(s) at the top to filter the report by:

  • Location (for multi-location practices)
  • Charge category
  • Charges "owned" by a specific user

At the bottom, it will show a total quantity and total sales value. So the total for that location, category, or user, if you've used the applicable filter option.

To sort the data by quantity sold, total cost, etc., or perform additional analytics on it, you can use the Export option at the top right. That generates a CSV export file that you can open in your preferred spreadsheet program.

Inventory Sales Report

The Inventory Sales report shows inventory items that were dispensed from your inventory in Cerbo in the specified date range. Inventory dispensing in Cerbo happens when you add an inventory-linked charge to the patient's chart (if there are more than zero in stock at that time).