
Cerbo offers direct electronic integrations with more than 50 different labs. We now also have an integration with Rupa Health, which is a centralized platform for consolidated ordering from 30+ functional medicine labs, managing order follow up with patients, lab order/ kit billing, and receiving results. Our integration allows you to send patient orders to Rupa and receive patient results from Rupa-integrated labs - all from inside the EHR! 

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Setting Up the Integration

The integration is set up per individual practitioner account. Each ordering provider will need to follow these instructions (even if they are providers within the same Rupa clinic account). Each provider should set up their own Rupa integration, versus having a different staff member complete this setup, so that the integration is linked to the correct ordering provider user in Cerbo.

To set up the integration:

  1. Go to Admin > Manage > Integrations, and click to expand the Rupa Health section.
  2. Click on "+ Add Rupa Health Account" to launch the Rupa Health site in a new window. Follow the instructions to login and complete the required authorization.
  3. Once you complete the authorization process, they should redirect you back to a Cerbo success page that also includes a link to import Rupa Health lab tests into your Orders/Labs database of the EMR:
  4. Similarly, back in the Rupa Health section of you Integrations menu, you should now see your account listed along a "Click here to import lab tests from Rupa Health directly in your Orders/Labs Database" link to that same tool outlined in step 3:

Details: Results Pickup

Results from your Rupa Health account will be received in your "Imported Lab Results" block on the main calendar page, similar to all of Cerbo's lab integrations (you will need to refresh this block manually, we recommend doing this at least once a day). See here for more information about this pickup process.

Details: Creating Orders

To create a new Rupa Health order from within Cerbo:

  1. If you haven't already added the Rupa Health test codes to your Orders/Labs database, you will need to import those using the tool outlined in the above "Setting Up the Integration" section (you can access that tool by clicking the link described in step 4 of that section)
  2. Open the patient chart who you would like to create an order for
  3. Add the Rupa Health tests to the patient's Open Orders, if you haven't already (these should all have "[Rupa]" at the end of their names) - see here for more help with adding orders to patient charts
  4. If you are in the main patient chart view, check the boxes of the tests (within that Open Orders block) and use the "Manage Checked" > "Send to Rupa Health" option. If you are in an encounter note, hover over the Plan block and select the "Send to Rupa Health" option.
  5. This will open a small window with the option to change the ordering practitioner (for clinics with multiple practitioner accounts integrated) and the Rupa Health order form that can be used to complete the order. Your patient's details and checked tests should pre-populate the order already:
  6. Once you complete the order in this window and click the "Send to Patient" button, you will see a success screen with a button to "Return to Your Clinic" - you need to click this button in order to make sure the order process is completed and recored in Cerbo:
  7. Once you click that button, the window will refresh to show the order requisition in the patient's Cerbo chart (and can be accessed from the "Sent" tab of their documents block for you to access in the future)

Details: Turning Off/ Disabling the Integration

If you need to remove your practitioner account from Cerbo at any point, go to Admin > Manage > Integrations > Rupa Health and click the trash icon next to your account name here. 

Additional Keywords: lab integrations, reseller accounts