Clinic Name & Locations
Enter or update your clinic name, location name(s) (for multi-location clinics). The clinic name appears, for example, in the printable/ faxable letterhead, as the clinic name in the Patient Portal, and as the sender for emails to the patient from Cerbo.
Note that multiple locations in Cerbo can be used not only for clinics with more than one physical location, but also to track multiple separate business concepts operating in a single location (for example, for inventory dispensing or tracking charges/ payments by location).
Defining multiple locations
Use the Clinic Names & Locations settings to create, view, and modify the details of named locations.
- Use the + button to add a new location, and enter the name. Be thoughtful when adding/ naming additional locations. Location names cannot be edited via the System Settings once they are created.
- Use the x button to remove a location. You will see a warning:
Are you sure you want to delete this location? Please make sure appointments/charges/etc. have all been transferred as needed before proceeding.
Note that the system retains the location and all its data in the Cerbo database, in case you need to restore it.
- You can change the order by dragging the icon on the left of a location item. The top item becomes the default. *what does it mean for a location to be the default?
Edit your clinic address/ contact info. The address is required and appears by default in the letterhead of your printable/ faxable/ savable forms, and in the footer of emails sent from Cerbo. But you can hide it in those places using the applicable settings in Documents and Emails and Chat settings, respectively