Cerbo Data Loss Q + A

What Happened?

On October 2nd, two of Cerbo's clinics experienced an unexpected and rare data loss due to infrastructure failure by our original hosting provider. All data, including the stored back-up data, was impacted. This was data loss incident, not a data breach. 

Does Cerbo back-up data? 

Yes. Our original hosting provider performs regular backups, however a single point of failure in the architecture of their backup and restore system infrastructure failure caused the original and back-up data to be lost. This is a very rare and unfortunate occurrence. 

What is Cerbo doing to prevent this from happening again? 

Cerbo has been in the process since January 2024 to move all clinics away from our original hosting provider to another reliable and trustworthy hosting provider. Due to performance issues and repeated outages over the past 18 months, we prioritized this migration of our clinics to the new hosting provider. We have already migrated about 70% of our clinics to our new hosting provider this year. We also have tested and validated that our new hosting provider backs up our data daily. 

We are focused on migrating the remaining clinics on our original hosting provider as quickly as possible. We expect to complete the migration by the end of the year to alleviate further concern and frustration. Our original hosting provider has assured us new policies are in place and are monitoring the situation very closely to prevent this from happening again. Our original hosting provider identified a single point of failure within their image backup system, and they have fixed the issue. In addition, our original hosting provider now has a monitor and alert in place to avoid this happening again. Additionally, Cerbo’s engineering team initiated an external, independent backup for each clinic to ensure clinics are protected during this transitional period. 

What can I do to take extra cautionary measures? 

In addition to the preventative measures that Cerbo has taken, every clinic has the option to personally download all their patient data themselves. We have the capability to enable the export of all your patient data from the advanced patient search results, see here for more information: Exporting Patient Data from Cerbo. Please let us know if you'd like this option to include all document data on patient charts by contacting support@cer.bo. Please be aware this can cause this export to run very slowly, please do this after hours to be on the safe side. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through these changes and your partnership is very important to us.